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    • #77542
      User Avatarmentosan


      I saw that the recommended brokers are Hotforex and Blackbull Markets. I know also that the EA Studio history data is provided by JFD and Dukascopy. I wish to know wich from the 2 history data fit best for Hotforex&Backbull ? And how is possible to be recommended 2 Brokers from which we have no history data provided in EA Studio?




    • #77545
      User AvatarIlan Vardy

      Hi Sebastian,

      We use the free Historical Data app, or Premium Data (DukasCopy) or Metatrader (JFD) data, as you correctly say. This is because they offer us the most amount of bars in the historical data. But this doesn’t mean that these are necessarily the best brokers to trade with.  That is why, in EA Studio setting, there is the Symbol Settings option. This is where we can customise the asset according to the specifications of our chosen broker. In this way, we have a huge amount of historical data available to us, and we can cutomise it to be suitable for any broker of our choice.





      • #77817
        User Avatarmentosan

        There is a difference in bar values and 2H between Premium Data and Dukascopy. I’m not sure that Premium Data is from Dukascopy.

    • #77562

    • #77791
      User Avatarmentosan

      Thanks Petko

    • #77824

      It is from there. You must synchronize the time zone. Check the time on your broker – look just above the Market Watch, and set the settings in the Historical data App before you download the data.


    • #77827
      User Avatarmentosan

      My Broker is Dukascopy, from where is also the Premium Data. Look :

    • #78399

      I know that 🙂

      Look at the market watch. Abot the market watch you will see your local time for the server. Then you need to synchronize it with the Historical data. Or you can compare any of the Hourly charts:

      • #78625
        User AvatarIlan Vardy

        Hey Riuzk,

        It’s difficult to recommend a broker, and we avoid recommending brokers because there are a number of factors to take into account. For example, the spreads that brokers offer, are not always the same in every country or location. The same with leverage. In some countries the leverage offered is higher than others, due to the regulations there. Have you had a look at the Brokers page yet? You may find some useful information there.






    • #78484
      User Avatarriuzk

      Hey Petko,

      May i ask which forex broker you recommend when it comes to demo testing?

      Usually i see that most demo account expires after 30 days, and i have asked for unlimted time, but they would only give me very few of them, while i need much more for my testing.


      Would love to hear back from you.


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