Home Forums General Discussion forexsb.com (expert advisor studio) is down!

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    • #70573
      User Avatarmentosan


      Forexsb.com is down, therefore expert advisor studio is down.

      Now, there is a question what I was asking myself for a long time. We bought a very good software (EA Studio) but we have no guaranty that this is “lifetime” because if, for example, the owner decided to stop everything, then there is no EA Studio anymore.   Or if something is happening to the owner, everything will be down forever….

      That means the license is not “lifetime” but limited.

      Maybe this is only a rhetoric question but anyway, somehow into the future this will be a real case, isn’t it?


    • #71079

      Hello Mentosan,

      Glad to hear from you, and welcome to the Forum.

      If forexsb or eaforexacademy is down sometimes this is because we have a lot of students and traders now using EA Studio, and sometimes the server could be down. It happens even with the biggest websites.

      However, we do our best to resolve the issues quickly as all of our traders and students know. Also, we regularly move to bigger servers and hosting to ensure that there will be no issues.

      Also, behind me, there is a whole team of professionals who take care of everything. Same with forexsb. So no worries if “something is happening”. Everything is ensured that the users will always continue to use the program.


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